Hello! I'm Emon, a developer specializing in the MERN STACK with a strong foundation in building scalable, responsive, and user-friendly web applications. I recently graduated with a Computer Science & Engineering degree from a private university. Passionate about adapting to new environments and technologies. With experience in both front-end and back-end development, I take a hands-on approach to solving problems and collaborating with others.
Check out my latest work
I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.
JobHunt Web Application
Developed a full-stack job platform using the Mern stack and Next.js, with NextAuth for secure authentication, MongoDB for data management, and Vercel for deployment. Implemented user roles for applicants and recruiters, allowing job postings, company profiles, and profile management
Talk Web Blog Website
Developed a Single Blog Application using the Mern stack with Firebase Authentication for user sign-in and sign-up functionality, ensuring seamless and secure user management. Implemented CRUD Operations allowing users to create, update, and delete blog posts, and a responsive design
Get in Touch
Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on LinkedIn and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.